Judge of the Connecticut Appellate Court: “Symonowicz-Mortenson investigation is going on”

Alexandra Meyer
2 min readAug 15, 2020


Douglas Lavine, a Judge of the Connecticut Appellate Court, gave his comment to brighten the situation on Symonowicz-Mortenson investigation.

“Investigation isn’t over. The fact that the Chief Judge William Bright Jr. gave his strange comment on the end of trial doesn’t have any specific influence on the investigation. In all the online resources you can see that investigation is still going on, and there is no reason to doubt about it. All the calls received by an appellant Frank Mortenson can be considered as the official warnings made by the Court and nothing more. They all were only the warnings, no one call was made by the Connecticut Appellate Court to renew official proceedings’ data, to add someone into some non-existent reserve and etc. The message that Mr. Symonowicz published yesterday in Twitter was not send by the Chief Judge at all. If Mr. Symonowicz continues spreading false information about the investigation, we will have to take countermeasures. The investigation is going on.” — announced Douglas Lavine.

We remind, the panic started after the singer Edwin Symonowicz published in his Twitter media fake screenshot of message allegedly send by someone from the Connecticut Appellate Court. An hour later, the Chief Judge of the Court William Bright Jr. came out with the statement that the Court granted Mortenson’s wish to terminate the investigation. However, later Frank Mortenson let know he didn’t gave any request to close the proceedings. The Chief Judge William Bright Jr. “apologized for being incorrect and unreasonable”.



Alexandra Meyer
Alexandra Meyer

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